The Friends of Patron drawing contest is finally over.
We launched the Public Movement "Friends of Patron" in order to draw the attention of our children to the topic - "Mine Hazard". The main task of such activities is to change the behavior of people in relation to explosive objects.
Next, we came up with a drawing competition drawing contest to raise the activity of schoolchildren and make them more interested in this important issue. We tried to move away from military themes and show peaceful and joyful stories that will happen after our soon victory.
Most Ukrainian children very often draw Patronus surrounded by rockets, mines and shells, and here we engaged them to fantasize and depict his imaginary friends in different versions.
We started at the Hostomel`s Lyceum and realized that the topic appealed to the children. Although at that time the process was very difficult, because the children studied online and sent us their works only remotely.
Later, we launched a similar activity in 4 schools of Irpin and Bucha, where schoolchildren also embodied their dreams on paper in any convenient way for them - here we did not limit them in any way - the main goal is a good idea!
We now have paintings:
- with pencils, markers, paints;
- color and black and white;
- large and small;
- on paper and on cardboard;
- on wooden and plastic boards;
- applications.
We even have one very beautiful work made of buckwheat, millet and macaroni!
And now I would like to tell you about the topics themselves. We had three different topics and each school received its own personal task.
Pupils were asked to come up with and idea of:
- Patron's imaginary friends from different countries and continents - these could be dogs of the same breed, but of different nationalities, skin color, style of clothing and occupation.
- Patron's friends from different parts of Ukraine in national garb with a Ukrainian attribute or dish.
- An important and useful profession for the dog Patron, besides the military one, which he will be able to get in a peaceful life after our Victory - imaginary friends from the near future.

Thus, we engaged children to create the most diverse images that only they could imagine. A brief descriptionof the drawing was obligatory here: who is it, where is it from, where does it work and why did the author choose it.
First of all, the creativity of the idea was evaluated.
As a result, we received 287 drawings on the day of the end of the competition - in each school it lasted two weeks. два тижні.
To be honest, the works are still being handed over to us...
Initially, we planned to select three nominees from each educational institution and choose a total of 15 winners. But when we received all the works, reviewed them and got acquainted with all the stories, we changed our opinion.
As a result, we got 41 nominees, and everyone received a useful gift. This week we gathered and awarded all the students who are currently going to their schools, and many more participants of our competition are now in other cities and countries and are studying online.
We spent a lot of time on a full review of all works and received a huge amount of positive emotions from the imagination, artistic and writing talents of our children.
There came a clear realization that all our work was not in vain, it really inspired us to continue our path.

After receiving the first drawings, we immediately decided to add the most interesting and daring children's ideas into the NFT collection "Friends of Patron"which we will talk about in more detail in the following articles.
And for now - sincere thanks to all the participants - you are all very cool!!!
Thanks to your parents, teachers and school leaders for your help in holding our competition - we had great pleasure.
Frequent air alarms and constant power outages did not spoil such a wonderful and fun competition for us - Ukrainian children today are the strongest and bravest children on Earth!
Starting next week, all schools of the Bucha district will go on vacation, and the Friends of Patron will also take a break from school studies. During this time, we will prepare and release our first NFT collection, based on the children`s ideas of our three Hero cities: Irpin, Bucha and Hostomel!
The work on it is almost finished, and we know that with its help we will be able to do a lot of useful things for our Motherland!
See you soon, future friends of Patron, happy New Year's holidays!